The Significance of Benches in the Urban Environments

July 12, 2023

We all walk past them and often take a break on them, but benches are one of the most overlooked street furniture elements. They are so ubiquitous that we rarely think of them too much. Benches are crucial in enhancing our experience of cities, parks and shopping areas.

Benches contribute to urban comfort by offering respite for tired pedestrians and creating inviting spaces to pause for a moment. However, these simple yet essential pieces of street furniture provide more than just a place to sit. They facilitate social interactions by serving as meeting points. Benches make areas more inclusive and accessible and, depending on their design, can even help shape the identity and character of a neighbourhood or a city.

Urban Comfort

Benches are an essential street furniture piece that, first and foremost, provides a place to rest. They are conveniently placed in strategic locations to maximise pedestrian comfort. You would have seen them in large shopping malls, along scenic walks, near entrances of public buildings, and in pedestrianised city centres and parks. Benches provide a place for individuals to take a break, especially those with mobility issues or carrying heavy loads.

Benches offer an opportunity for pedestrians to slow down for a minute, enjoy their surroundings, and recharge before continuing their journeys. They are also not uncommonly a destination in themselves when people want a moment alone – to think, contemplate, or sit down with a good book in the sun. Benches enhance our experience of just being whilst also being comfortable; sitting in a park and watching the ducks in the pond, taking in the scenery in the garden of the historical mansion or appreciating the beautiful architecture of a busy city centre square.

Social Interactions

Benches are often informal meeting points. We sometimes start a conversation with a stranger and simply enjoy talking to someone we have never met. Or we arrange a stroll with a friend or family and sit together for a nice catch-up.

Benches encourage conversations and can often become focal points in neighbourhoods where locals, young and old, can gather. They create opportunities for social connection and help our sense of community and belonging.

Inclusive Communities

Communal places are really important for the overall cityscape – they help define the feeling of a city. They should also always be a place where all residents, visitors and nearby workers feel welcome and are able to access. Benches are one of those street furniture pieces that play an active role in inclusivity. They allow people of all ages and abilities to enjoy cities and parks as they provide a place to stop for anyone, including people with disabilities, the old or the very young, to participate in public life fully.

Identity and Character

Public spaces have the ability to help shape a neighbourhood, a park or a city. Well-designed and strategically placed benches can go a long way to contributing to the identity and character of a place. They can become signature features that give a public space a specific look.

Something like our Matchbox Street Planter and Bench would give a place a modern, eco-conscious, clean look. A stainless steel piece like the Beverly Bench might make you think of a modern city centre. The Sandbanks Bench, with its odd shape and industrial wood and steel look, may bring up images of trendy hipster neighbourhoods. It is incredible how such a little, often overlooked piece of street furniture can bring different associations and moods, depending on its design.

Bench Design – What to Keep in Mind

When buying a bench, you need to consider all the above – its function and role in our societies. You also need to think about how comfortable it would be for sitting, what it is made of, and what maintenance it would require.

Most benches offer similar standards when it comes to the seat. They can be very basic models or enhanced by the addition of back support and armrests, and even the addition of tables.

Benches are usually made of stainless steel, steel, wood and sometimes concrete. You can look at this guide on metal finishes to learn more about the differences between stainless steel and steel. As for wooden ones, the wood is usually treated for extra protection. However, some maintenance may be necessary as time goes on.

We advise you to choose durable materials that can withstand outdoor environments and require minimal upkeep. All of our benches aim to fit that description. However, if you need extra help choosing, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Benches serve as more than mere seating arrangements in urban spaces. They are vital in enhancing our everyday comfort and creating connected communities. From offering a place to rest and recharge to fostering social interactions and promoting a sense of belonging, benches make our cities better places to live, walk and enjoy. By recognising the significance of these unassuming pieces of street furniture, urban planners, architects, and communities can ensure the incorporation of well-designed benches that enrich the experience for everyone.

Shelter Store Team

Shelter Store is the UK's leading supplier of smoking shelters, canopies, walkways and street furniture. Follow us on LinkedIn.