Is a small smoking shelter a better choice?

October 13, 2022

Installing a small smoking shelter helps you to comply with UK regulations while also providing a protected place for individuals who like to smoke or vape. Not only does this improve the aesthetics and presentation of your premises, but it also gives a designated smoking or vaping space for individuals who prefer to smoke.

If you are debating which size of shelter to purchase, we recommend our range of small smoking shelters. Let’s dive into the reasons why…

The first thing you need to know is that there are two types of smoking shelters: small and large. Small smoking shelters are typically wooden or metal, with a roof made of corrugated metal or other similar materials. They’re usually less than 10 feet in diameter, meaning that installation is simple on various surfaces, including pavement and driveways.

Ruby Smoking Shelter

1) Small smoking shelters are simple

A large smoking shelter is slightly more complicated to build and install, so they’re not available as frequently as small ones. Large structures consist of concrete blocks or heavy-duty steel beams that form the base for the structure’s walls and roof. These structures can be very large, up to 100 feet wide, and may require specialised machinery for installation.

2) A small smoking shelter is private

If you’re looking for a way for your employees or customers can enjoy a cigarette in a safe and comfortable environment, then a small smoking shelter is the best choice.

We recommend these spaces because they are private, meaning you don’t have to worry about anyone seeing you smoking. This can be especially important if you live in an area where smoking is not permitted indoors.

Ruby Smoking Shelter

3) A small smoking shelter is easier to keep clean 

It’s also important to note that small smoking shelters are generally easier to keep clean than larger ones, which can make them more pleasant for those who prefer to smoke rather than vape.

Regarding hygiene, our free-standing cigarette bins and ash stands are necessary tools for your company to keep your area clean. They encourage visitors to dispose of their old cigarettes appropriately. This ensures that people properly dispose of cigarette waste and improves the general premises’ atmosphere.

4) You fully company with the UK smoking laws

With the ban on smoking being in place for many years, you must inform workers and visitors to your site that they must utilise the designated areas. 

The shelter will help your business, staff, and clients by offering specific locations for these activities. Each shelter we make is completely compliant with UK Smoking Laws and is available in a range of various styles to complement the decor of your business.

Are you interested in installing smoking shelters on your premises? Have a look at the smoking shelters we offer. Or, get in touch with our friendly team today.

Shelter Store Team

Shelter Store is the UK's leading supplier of smoking shelters, canopies, walkways and street furniture. Follow us on LinkedIn.