How Can Smoking Shelters Benefit Your Business?

August 18, 2021

You have a responsibility as a modern employer to be inclusive of your employees. Anyone who works with you should feel that their rights and liberties are protected and not discriminated against because you disagree with a particular life decision. Smoking is a controversial topic. Some regard it as a remnant of the past, while others recognise that smoking cigarette is a personal decision. Smoking shelters that are properly installed contribute to a positive environment and provide several other advantages. 

1) Smoking Shelters Promote Inclusivity 

In today’s world, the workplace must be welcoming to everybody. Everyone is unique, and everyone has different tastes and views about what life should be like, and that it is the up-to-date employer’s responsibility to carefully balance out everyone’s wants and expectations to find a happy medium.

Smoking shelters are a symbol of inclusion when they’re built into a business. You’re pushing the concept that employees can smoke regardless of their personal emotions about it. You even give your employees their own space to respect the privacy of others. In terms of a solution, it offers the best of both worlds.

2) They Will Help Boost Your Reputation 

The average company relies heavily on its reputation. Customers and clients visit regularly based on how they perceive the business and their thoughts on it. It will cause severe problems if your premises smells of cigarette smoke and there is a trace of it in the air or a slight haze because people smoke within.

You are helping to maintain your firm’s reputation and your premises by installing a designated smoking area and installing a smoking shelter. Staff and even the general public are allowed to use the smoking shelter, which is located far enough from the rest of the building so that the odour does not offend others and there are no health hazards.

3) Smoking Shelters Promote Public Health & Safety

As an employer, it is your responsibility to ensure public health and safety. Your employees have the right to smoke, but if smoking endangers their health and safety, you will understandably need to provide an adequate solution. A designated smoking shelter area ensures that public health and safety remain a central concern for your business.

Your employees can smoke away from the central area of your premises. There’s no risk of a fire from a cigarette in the building, and visitors feel confident going in.

These are just a few of the many reasons why you should install a smoking shelter for your employees. It’s critical to be inclusive while still being sensitive to others’ needs. And regardless of your personal sentiments, you must be objective in your resource distribution. A smoking shelter will provide a dedicated smoking space for employees while also protecting the public from danger.

If you would like to know more information about Smoking Shelters and what we offer, email us at [email protected] or call our experts at 0800 612 7503.

Shelter Store Team

Shelter Store is the UK's leading supplier of smoking shelters, canopies, walkways and street furniture. Follow us on LinkedIn.